Single. Again.

Like anything good, it was too good to last. I'm single once again. I've been taking an extended leave from my drunken sexploits but I'm sure they will resume as soon as this pit in my stomach subsides.

The thing about love is that it takes half of what's left of you every time you lose someone. The first girl I really cared about took half of my heart with her when she left. The next took 25 percent. The next 12.5, and so on and so on. I'm down to a sliver, PlayboyU, and I suppose that explains why I'm so reluctant to part with the tiny bit of heart of hearts I have left.

This is why I womanize. I'm fearful. I'm afraid if I lay it all on the line for one more girl she'll snatch up the one or two percent of my heart I still have to work with. It's a defense mechanism, albeit a very fun one. Sex has lost the emotional connection it first held with me. By not letting women in emotionally, sex becomes an activity. It's like playing tennis, only it is better exercise and you get to cum at the end. Great fun, especially when you're not emotionally invested.

Here's to new beginnings. I'm looking forward to starting another chapter, a return to living in the moment, to living without limits. Cheers.

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