Are you nice? I was...

Many drinks, cigarettes, and long term relationships later, I've come to accept the fact that I've become what at the outset of puberty I would have categorized as a womanizing douchebag. Lo! How the wise become wiser!

The heartfelt warmth of genuine romantic love certainly paints misogyny as a lonely behavior, but for what it lacks in soulful fiber it makes up for in safety. Let me explain. When I was dating the woman I was convinced I was going to marry some time ago, I had certain expectations. I expected her to be kind, to flash me a smile every once and awhile, to not go out and fuck her chemistry TA in an effort to preserve her facade of a future in medicine, etc. Needless to say, I was crushed.

It was a difficult lesson to learn, but I no longer have expectations for woman. Without expectation I now could care less if they go out and ball some bro-tacular gentleman on the couch in the middle of a crowded frat party. I don't care if they snort coke in their spare time, participate in a drunken hit and run, or forget to wish me a happy birthday. In the present, if they are there and are interesting, I'll give them my attention, but upon departure they might as well have ended up a puddle leftover from a back alley abortion (circa '86 thru '89 - I don't condone sex with teenagers). They become strangers to me, and I've never put much stock into strangers.

Basically this is all just leading up to a short list of personally fulfilling activities I participate in now that I don't waste my emotions on the women I sleep with:

1. Finding alternate, better looking women to sleep with.
2. Smoking tobacco products without fear of retribution in the form of sex withheld.
3. Paying for my dinner only.
4. Getting rip-roaring drunk without concern that I will wake up in a strange woman's bed and betray my beloved.
5. Taking needlessly long shits with the door open.

Now that I think about it, I think the only woman I will ever truly love is my mother, she is quite dear.

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